Long-Term Care Ombudsman
The Nebraska Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) works with nursing home and assisted living residents. The program offers FREE confidential services to residents, families, and others with long-term care facility concerns. The LTCO advocates for resident rights and their well-being.
What services are available?
Education: Inform residents, families, facility staff, and others on a variety of issues related to aging, long-term care, and residents' rights.
Information & Referral: Empower individuals to resolve concerns and complaints on their own behalf.
Consultation: Make recommendations for protecting the rights of residents. Make recommendations to improve resident care and quality of life.
Individual Advocacy: Facilitate the resolution of concerns and complaints. Protect the rights of residents.
Systems Advocacy: Identify significant concerns and problematic trends. Advocate for systemic changes that will benefit current and future residents in long-term care facilities.
Who is my Long-Term Care Ombudsman?
Lookup your local ombudsman: Ombudsman service map
Email: DHHS.LTCOmbudsman@nebraska.gov
Call: (800) 942-7830
Visit dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Aging-Ombudsman.aspx for more information.